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App for your
next trip

The daGama app offers a user-generated map where community members can mark and recommend locations. Users who share highly-rated recommendations, as judged by the community, earn rewards. Businesses that focus on delivering high-quality products and services gain increased visibility and promotion.

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Dagama screens
Dagama Mobile Apps

User Generated Map & Tourist routes

The daGama app enables users to add new locations to the map, leave recommendations after visiting, and earn rewards for their contributions. It also allows users to create personalized tourist routes, offering tips on how to avoid tourist crowds while discovering lesser-known, beautiful spots. By focusing on user-generated content and authentic reviews, daGama ensures trustworthy recommendations and highlights high-quality businesses, increasing their visibility and promoting genuine customer experiences.

AI-driven place search & Anti-Fake System

The daGama app utilizes the AI Vasco algorithm to analyze user behavior and recommend ideal destinations that match your mood and preferences, such as perfect spots for dates, leisure, and more. For businesses, AI Vasco provides enhanced visibility by accurately targeting potential customers who are more likely to enjoy their offerings, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. The advanced Multi-Level Anti-Fake System (MLAFS) ensures that only genuine reviews influence these recommendations, boosting trust and credibility for high-quality businesses. AI-driven business recommendations help businesses improve services and customer engagement.

Dagama screen apps

daGama Services and Platform Ecosystem

For you impressions
Mobile App (iOS, Android)
In our app, users can find places that suit their needs and share impressions of their visits. We focus on highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each establishment, as well as taking into account your personal preferences. No abstract ratings, just quality recommendations.
for your safety
EVM based networks
The internal economy of our ecosystem is based on the Arbitrum blockchain, which unlocks all the capabilities of the Ethereum Virtual Machine and takes them to a new level. That’s why we have vast opportunities for scaling and integrating third-party applications.
For your safety
Hierarchical protection system against fake reviews
daGama introduces a multi-layered defense mechanism designed to maintain the integrity and authenticity of reviews on our platform. At the core of our approach is the hierarchical protection system, a sophisticated blend of technology and community oversight that safeguards against fraudulent content.
For your business
POS Terminal
Businesses, such as cafes, restaurants, and others, will be able to accept payments from customers through an app. Payments can be made with cash, bank cards, and QR codes. When paying in this manner, users receive cashback.
For your business
Business Panel
Engage with your audience, run various marketing campaigns, attract new customers, control cash flow, and analyze results.
Roles of daGama
Our ecosystem empowers content creators, travelers, city dwellers, and small business owners to fully realize their potential.
Adventurers and travelers who unveil new and extraordinary places. Users earn tokens for each newly discovered place.
Users who, upon request from businesses, embark on honest investigations of places. Only through inspectors can businesses willingly join DaGama. Inspectors earn tokens for actively participating in the inspection of new places.
Users connecting businesses or entrepreneurs linking their companies to DaGama's Business Panel. Monetizers earn tokens for each connected business.
Users who verify the authenticity and quality of reviews, acting as community moderators. Likes and dislikes from moderators influence the place's ranking. Moderators receive tokens for successful validation and ensuring content reliability.
Users who attract new participants to the DaGama ecosystem. Recruiters receive tokens for each recruited user.
Users who share honest reviews and impressions of already-discovered places. Users receive tokens for high-quality reviews.
How it will work
Surely you have at least one obscure place that your friends recommended to you and that place is really good.

Imagine an app with a multitude of such hidden gems. Recommendations compilation 'for insiders' without fakes.

Moreover, anyone can earn by sharing their discoveries and travel experiences.
Finding a Place for You
AI-powered venue finder for meetups and friend gatherings.
Tips and Hacks
Top travel tips and money-saving hacks for travelers
Advanced Bookmarking System
User-friendly bookmarking system to keep track of your discoveries.


Join daGama on a journey to travel innovation. Our rapid growth and ambitious goals promise a revolution in exploring the world. Creating a movement towards authentic adventures.
Q2 2023
Project research & Planning
Q3 2023
Hiring a team
Vision of the project
Whitepaper V1
Q4 2023
Impression Map
Creating review and impression
Q1 2024
MVP daGama
Grants Program
Q2 2024
Alpha version daGama
NFT launch
Q3 2024
Ambassador Program
V1 daGama
daGama token launch
Business Panel V1
Q4 2024
Loyalty program
Multi-chain expansion                       AI Vasco integration
Q1 2025
Launching virtual eventsin the business panel
AI Vasco user assistance
Q2 2025
AI Trip Planner B2C
Alpha version Gama Protocol
AI Vasco business panel integration
Q3 2025
Web version daGama
Business Panel V2
Q4 2025
Launching Gama Protocol
Grant program release
AI Vasco marketing assistance for B2B