Umap General FZCO whose registered address at: IFZA Business Park, DDP, 001 – 27923, Dubai,United Arab Emirates (the Copyright holder) offer to use a Mobile Application daGama (the Mobile app) along with own services to users in the manner and on the terms defined in this Terms and Conditions agreement (the Agreement).

By downloading, installing, launching and / or using the Mobile app, the services of the copyright holder, their individual functions, or by providing their user data, Content (as this term is defined below), the User is considered to have accepted the terms of this Agreement in full. If the User does not agree with the Agreement and/or any provisions of the Agreement, the User shall not use the Mobile application. If the Copyright holder makes changes to the Mobile app or to the Agreement, if the User does not agree, the User must stop using the Mobile app.

The use of the Mobile app is governed, among other things, by this Agreement, the Privacy Policy and other Documentation posted and / or posted by the Copyright holder on the Website (as this term is defined below) or at Mobile application, which the User accepts by joining this Agreement.

The Copyright holder has the right to unilaterally change the content and wording of the Agreement and Documentation at any time without any mandatory prior notice to the User. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is published on the Website.The current version of the User agreement is available on the Website, which the User can freely read.


QR CODE – a graphic code generated by a partner during a transaction in a Mobile app that is used exclusively for accruing Bonus points and used by Them when making payments for goods or services from Partners by reading it on a user's device.

BONUS PROGRAM – the rules of the loyalty program published on the Website, based on the principle of accumulation and use of Bonus points by the User within the Partner network and aimed at marketing incentives for the User to make purchases. The bonus program is subject to changes and is published on the Website in an up-to-date form.

BONUS POINTS are virtual conventional units (bonus points) for marketing promotion purposes that are awarded to the Participant when making purchases of goods (works, services) sold under the Program, as well as for performing certain actions, including within the framework of The program's promotions and determining the extent of the Participant's Rights to special terms of service from the Program's Partners. Bonuses are counted on the program Participant's conditional Virtual account, which is maintained in the Mobile app, and determine the amount of the Participant's rights to receive Incentives provided by its Partners within the Program. Bonuses are used only for accounting purposes to determine the activity of Participants in the Program and in no case are and cannot be money, monetary unit, other means of payment, means of payment, currency, monetary obligation or security. they are not and cannot be a monetary unit, a means of payment, cannot be cashed, given in any way to third parties, including by inheritance.

WEBSITE – a website owned by the copyright Holder: www.dagama.world

DOCUMENTATION-means the agreements and offers published and publicly available for review and acceptance on the Website, including the User agreement, Privacy Policy, License agreement, Bonus program rules, and others.

CONTENT – user content, any informational materials (text, graphics, or other materials) that the User uploads to the Mobile app and that other users of the Mobile app can access. Text and graphic information, as well as trademarks and brand names belonging to the copyright Holder, are not considered Content.

PERSONAL ACCOUNT - a set of protected mobile app pages created as a result of User registration, login and password (authentication), using which the User can access the Mobile app. Access to Your personal account is carried out by electronic authentication - entering unique identification data (username and password) in the fields provided for this in the Mobile app.

MOBILE APP - the program for electronic computers that contain unique information, database information and rights belong to the copyright holder provided to the User based on the license agreement, subject to Documentation and this Agreement. The copyright holder may transfer the non-exclusive right to use the Mobile application to the operator in the country of the User's location on the basis of the corresponding license agreement.

PARTNER – a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or self-employed person who has undertaken to provide Users with the opportunity to purchase goods and services using the Bonus points accumulated by the User and conduct promotions for Users, who has posted information about their products, works, and services offered to Users as part of the Partner program in the Mobile app.

PARTNER NETWORK – a set of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and self-employed people who participate in the Partner program as a single mechanism for marketing incentives to Users within the Bonus program.


For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Create a Post "means an action to create Content by the User, which is expressed in posting a review, recommendation about an event in the form of text and/or graphic (photo, 3D photo, video) information; "Collect a Box "means the User's action to create a set of reviews and recommendations about locations, Partners in the form of text and/or graphic information (route map, photos, etc.).


  • Promotes violence, cruelty, hatred and / or discrimination on racial, national, sexual, religious, social grounds; contains false information and / or insults to specific individuals, organizations, and authorities;
  • Encourages performance of illegal actions, as well as assistance to persons whose actions are aimed at violating restrictions and prohibitions, in accordance with current legislation;
  • Violates the rights of minors and / or causes them harm in any form;
  • Infringes on the rights of minorities;
  • Content that the User does not have the right to make available under current legislation or under any contractual relationship;
  • Content that unlawfully affects and / or contains any patent, trademark, trade secret, trade name, copyright and related rights, as well as other intellectual property rights owned or legally used by third parties without proper consent and / or license;
  • Contains threats, discredits, insults, defames the honor and dignity or business reputation, or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties;
  • Violates the rights of minors;
  • Vulgar or obscene, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature, including those involving minors;
  • Contains scenes of inhumane treatment of animals;
  • Contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;
  • Contains extremist materials;
  • Promotes criminal activity or contains tips, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts;
  • Contains information of restricted access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;
  • Contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of the use of narcotic substances, information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and tips on use;
  • May potentially lead to performance of illegal actions by misleading the User or abusing their trust;
  • Expressed in the collection and processing of personal data, information about the private life of any person;
  • Disrupts the normal operation of the Mobile app;
  • Violates international law and the applicable law of the User's country, citizens, organizations, and Copyright holder;
  • It is expressed through obscene language, obscene and offensive images, comparisons and expressions, including in relation to gender, race, nationality, profession, social category, age, language of a person and citizen, as well as in relation to organizations, authorities, official state symbols (flags, coats of arms, hymns), religious symbols, cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments), promotes and/or promotes incitement to racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority;
  • Advertises or incites illegal activities that infringe on the rights of Users or third parties to intellectual property;
  • Distributes various viruses and defective programs.



Rights and obligations of the Copyright holder:

Rights and obligations of the User

The user's right to file a complaint and review procedure

  • The rights and/or legitimate interests, violated the relevant Content that a User considers illegal, as well as facts/circumstances confirming the ownership rights to the User;
  • The type of Content that violates the User's rights;
  • The screen or page of the App where Content that infringes the User's rights was found;
  • The time when the infringing Content was detected.


  • Creating a Post (accumulation occurs when a review/recommendation was used by another user of the Mobile app and at the same time purchased a service/product, having previously read the QR Code of the Partner.
  • Creating a Route (accumulation occurs when a review/recommendation was used by another user of the Mobile app and at the same time purchased a service/product, having previously read the QR Code of the Partner.
  • Purchase of a service/product based on a recommendation/review left by another Mobile app User (Bonus points are awarded when reading the QR Code of the Partner).


  • The Mobile app will meet the User's requirements;
  • The results that can be obtained using the Mobile app will be accurate and reliable;
  • The quality of any product, service, or information obtained using the Mobile app will meet the User's expectations;
  • The Mobile app will run continuously, quickly, reliably and error-free and will meet the User's expectations;
  • All errors on the Mobile app will be corrected immediately.


Last edited: Septermber 12, 2024 (v. 1. 0).